Speed Restriction in Traffic Separation Scheme on the Pacific Approach, No. A-24-2024

Speed Restriction in Traffic Separation Scheme on the Pacific Approach, No. A-24-2024

Speed Restriction in Traffic Separation Scheme on the Pacific Approach to the Panama Canal

This advisory to shipping serves as a reminder of the recommendation by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) regarding navigation within the traffic separation scheme in the Gulf of Panama, on the Pacific Approach to the Panama Canal, which states that:

“To reduce the potential risk of collisions between ships and whales in the Gulf of Panama, a seasonal speed restriction of 10 knots is to be established from 1 August to 30 November each year and northwards of latitude 8° 00’.0N”

This recommendation applies to both lanes of the Traffic Separation Scheme in the Gulf of Panama.

Chart No: 1020

3719(P)/14 PANAMA — Pacific Ocean Coast — Gulf of Panama and Approaches — Traffic separation
scheme. Inshore traffic zones.

Source: International Maritime Organization

  1. To enhance safety of navigation, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) has approved the introduction of a new Traffic Separation Scheme ‘On the Pacific Coast of Panama’. The new routing measures will be implemented at 0000 UTC on 1 December 2014.
  2. A new traffic separation scheme is to be established as follows:
    Part I – Gulf of Panama:
    Note: To reduce the potential risk of collisions between ships and whales in the Gulf of Panama, a seasonal speed restriction of 10 knots is to be established from 1 August to 30 November each year and northwards of latitude 8° 00’·0N
    1. A traffic separation zone is to be established joining the following positions:
      (1) 8° 44′ ·70N 79° 27′ ·00W
      (2) 8° 35′ ·00N 79° 26′ ·00W
      (3) 7° 45′ ·00N 79° 26′ ·00W
      (4) 7° 45′ ·00N 79° 23′ ·00W
      (5) 8° 35′ ·00N 79° 23′ ·00W
      (6) 8° 45′ ·42N 79° 25′ ·44W
    2. A traffic lane for southbound traffic is to be established westward of the separation zone
      described in 2a and by a line joining the following positions:
      (7) 8° 44′ ·00N 79° 28′ ·00W
      (8) 8° 35′ ·00N 79° 28′ ·20W
      (9) 7° 45′ ·00N 79° 28′ ·20W
    3. A traffic lane for northbound traffic is to be established eastward of the separation zone
      described in 2a and by a line connecting the following positions:
      (10) 8° 46′ ·00N 79° 24′ ·62W
      (11) 8° 35′ ·00N 79° 21′ ·00W
      (12) 7° 45′ ·00N 79° 21′ ·00WA new traffic separation scheme is to be established as follows:
      Part I – Gulf of Panama:
      Note: To reduce the potential risk of collisions between ships and whales in the Gulf of Panama, a seasonal speed restriction of 10 knots is to be established from 1 August to 30 November each year and northwards of latitude 8° 00’·0N
      Part II – Punta Morro de Puercos
    4. A traffic separation zone is to be established joining the following positions:
      (13) 7° 03′ ·40N 80° 11′ ·53W
      (14) 7° 00′ ·00N 80° 15′ ·00W
      (15) 7° 00′ ·00N 80° 27′ ·00W
      (16) 6° 59′ ·00N 80° 27′ ·00W
      (17) 6° 59′ ·00N 80° 14′ ·55W
      (18) 7° 02′ ·65N 80° 10′ ·76W
    5. A traffic separation zone is to be established joining the following positions:
      (19) 7° 01′ ·26N 80° 09′ ·30W
      (20) 6° 57′ ·00N 80° 13′ ·67W
      (21) 6° 57′ ·00N 80° 27′ ·00W
      (22) 6° 55′ ·00N 80° 27′ ·00W
      (23) 6° 55′ ·00N 80° 12′ ·70W
      (24) 6° 59′ ·87N 80° 07′ ·84W
    6. A traffic lane, width 2M, for south-westbound and westbound traffic, is to be established
      between the separation zones described in 3d and 3e.
    7. A traffic lane, width 2M, for eastbound and north-eastbound traffic is to be established
      between the separation zone described in 3e and a line joining the following positions:
      (25) 6° 58′ ·46N 80° 06′ ·34W
      (26) 6° 53′ ·00N 80° 11′ ·77W
      (27) 6° 53′ ·00N 80° 27′ ·00W
      Part III – Off Isla Jicarita
    8. A traffic separation zone is to be established bounded by a line joining the following positions:
      (28) 7° 00′ ·00N 81° 45′ ·00W
      (29) 7° 00′ ·00N 81° 50′ ·00W
      (30) 6° 59′ ·00N 81° 50′ ·00W
      (31) 6° 59′ ·00N 81° 45′ ·00W
    9. A traffic separation zone is to be established bounded by a line joining the following positions:
      (32) 6° 57′ ·00N 81° 45′ ·00W
      (33) 6° 57′ ·00N 81° 50′ ·00W
      (34) 6° 55′ ·00N 81° 50′ ·00W
      (35) 6° 55′ ·00N 81° 45′ ·00W
    10. A traffic lane, width 2M, for westbound traffic, is to be established between the separation zones described in 4h and 4i.
    11. A traffic lane, width 2M, for eastbound traffic, is to be established between the separation zone described in 4i and a line joining the following positions:
      (36) 6° 53′ ·00N 81° 45′ ·00W
      (37) 6° 53′ ·00N 81° 50′ ·00W
  3. Two new inshore traffic zones are to be established as follows:
    1. An inshore traffic zone joining the following positions:
      (38) 8° 56′ ·48N 78° 58′ ·52W (shore)
      (10) 8° 46′ ·00N 79° 24′ ·62W (limit of northbound traffic lane)
      (11) 8° 35′ ·00N 79° 21′ ·00W (limit of northbound traffic lane)
      (12) 7° 45′ ·00N 79° 21′ ·00W (limit of northbound traffic lane)
      (39) 7° 33′ ·60N 78° 12′ ·84W (shore)
    2. An inshore traffic zone joining the following positions:
      (40) 8° 43′ ·81N 79° 44′ ·75W (shore)
      (7) 8° 44′ ·00N 79° 28′ ·00W (limit of southbound traffic lane)
      (8) 8° 35′ ·00N 79° 28′ ·20W (limit of southbound traffic lane)
      (9) 7° 45′ ·00N 79° 28′ ·20W (limit of southbound traffic lane)
      (13) 7° 03′ ·40N 80° 11′ ·53W (limit of traffic separation zone)
      (14) 7° 00′ ·00N 80° 15′ ·00W (limit of traffic separation zone)
      (15) 7° 00′ ·00N 80° 27′ ·00W (limit of traffic separation zone)
      (28) 7° 00′ ·00N 81° 45′ ·00W (limit of traffic separation zone)
      (29) 7° 00′ ·00N 81° 50′ ·00W (limit of traffic separation zone)
      (41) 7° 12′ ·39N 81° 47′ ·88W (Isla Jicarita)
  4. The new traffic separation scheme and inshore traffic zones are shown in the accompanying
    diagram. (All positions are referred to WGS84 Datum)
  5. Details of these changes will be included in New Editions of Charts 1020, 1929, 2258 and 2496 to
    be published 16th October 2014 and by Notice to Mariners update for Chart 1401.

Charts affected — 1020 — 1401 — 1929 — 2258 — 2496


For further information or clarification, please feel free to contact us. Our team remains always at your disposal for a safe and trouble-free passage.